Escape Velocity

RRRRRunning–Spinning–  rising to fly, to reach
and conquer the sky, the rooftops, the treetops,
outside city crowds.
To elevate,
escape gravity.
Ascend beyond all those petty groundling woes and fears.
Climb past the clouds,
among stars and moonbeams.
Steer to view
celestial omens extolled in fantasies.
Zooming through tickly, teasing, laughing ecstasy.
Catching up to steep snow peaks.  Peering in lighthouse windows.
Prancing gaily so many feet above fields and roads,
glancing below — can’t catch me
not you dour, sour, 
glum-faced cons down on the street.
Learning to fly, to soar, to race up high
where I can see for miles, 
and miles recede.
Learning to say no to ordinary normality
and break free.
Learning to say yes to magic, and make magic me.
unlike anything before.
Learning to break out of bounds and take in more
Ain’t nobody gonna tell me I can’t fly.


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